Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 134, May 17

Yesterday I wrote about encouragement.  Today's post is closely related.  That of hope.

Hope is a commodity sadly lacking in our current world.  We look at the goings-on of political and other public figures and see dishonesty and immorality.  We look at the world landscape and see war and poverty and despair.  And we may even look at our own lives and feel a hopelessness, whether it concern health, finances, or a family problem.

What is there to be hopeful about? we may wonder.

I've been there.  Too often.  And then I remember that the Lord has promised us that He will not leave us to walk alone.  He is at our side.  He is always there.   What greater hope can there be?

This I know for sure:  the Savior is the true source of hope.  Our job is to turn to Him.  When we have done that, we can help others come unto Him as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hope is our sunrise. Real hope is grounded in our faith in the Savior, making the phrase "fool's hope" null and void. Our hope is more of a confidence that Heavenly Father will do what he said he will do. I wish the word hope hadn't become so corrupted in our language.
