Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 139, May 22

Life keeps throwing me curve balls.  I imagine you feel the same way.  Just when you think your life has settled down into some kind of expected, if boring, routine, something happens.  An adult child calls with a crisis. A sister needs your help.  A friend is hospitalized with a life-threatening disease.  Whatever it is, it throws you and your life into a tizzy.

I've been there.  Right now, I worry over a dear, longtime friend who is in the hospital with complications from cancer.  My heart weeps for him and for his sweet family.  I try to offer help, even while knowing that my efforts are puny against the need.  What to do?

Prayer, of course.  Every day.  Many times a day.  Is there something more, though, that I could do?  My offer of "please call if you need anything" seems empty.  And finally I got it.  Make an offer of specific help.   "Can I drive your son to work?"  I asked the man's wife.  That was met with a "yes."

How many times have I uttered the sincere but empty words, "Please call if you need anything?"  Too many.  And it shames me that I haven't thought through an individual or family's needs and tailored my offer with those in mind.

This I know for sure:  empty words will most likely produce empty results.

1 comment:

  1. My empty words are the result of empty ideas, which are probably the result of not listening carefully or asking the right questions. I am seriously lacking in these skills, and remain socially obtuse. I wish I could change this about myself overnight, but there must be something for me to learn in the process.
