Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 146, May 29

"Sometimes falling on our knees is the only way to learn to stand." -- Linda Evans Shepherd

It has only been in the last month that I have been able to kneel when saying a prayer.  I had nearly forgotten how much I enjoyed and counted on that small ritual when talking with my Father in Heaven.  Of course, the Father hears and listens to our prayers, no matter where we are, no matter what our position.  Still, I missed being able to get on my knees during my prayers.

And isn't it ironic that in humbling ourselves by kneeling, that we stand taller than ever?  Kneeling is seen by the world as a subservient position.  Yet those who kneel are frequently doing so in the act of giving service.  I think of the Savior kneeling to wash His apostles' feet.  He, the Lord, humbled himself to serve His friends.

In the first weeks following my surgery, my husband was often on his knees, helping me put on my support stockings, helping me do my exericses, etc.  Never had he looked so tall.

This I know for sure:  kneeling in prayer is one of the strongest things we do.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for the reminder to appreciate the opportunity to kneel.

  2. Yeah, I just wish I didn't have carpet knees from falling asleep when praying...
