Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 143, May 26

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.   Nora Ephron

I have always admired Nora Ephron's writing.  Invariably, she hits the nail on the head.  How often have I played the part of the victim, either intentionally or unintentionally?  Too many.

It is easy to play the part of the victim.  It is even comforting to assume that part at times.  There's no question that bad things happen.  To all of us.  We live in a fallen world, filled with hard things and sometimes hard people.  When bad things happen to us, we may rightfully feel that we are a victim. 

The trouble is, we don't move forward when we fall into the victim trap.  We don't progress; we remain stuck in a mire of self-pity and anger.  I know.  Because I've been there.  I wrap my self-righteousness around me and tell any and all about the terrible thing that befell me.  Others may listen, even sympathize, but eventually they tire of my whining.

This I know for sure: being a victim can be appealing; being a heroine is empowering.

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